Smart people would be wise to do the OPPOSITE of what I do. Perhaps I should publish a newsletter: 'What Bruce is Investing in Now', so that people could profit from doing the opposite of what I do. Hmmm.
In all seriousness, I am still 100% committed to this project and the idea of electric vehicles in general. Although my primary reason for doing this conversion was financial in the beginning, my motivation has become so much more. Now it is mostly about accomplishment and FREEDOM. Even though oil prices are comparatively low right now, does anyone really doubt that the price will someday (probably sooner rather than than later) be as high or higher than it was last July? I want to be free from having pay whatever price I am TOLD to pay because I can't live without it.
We have to remember what killed off the electric car the last time there was enough incentive and motivation to develop and sell or purchase one. Oil prices became astonishingly low and the market for alternative modes of transportation and energy disappeared. People have such short memories! It makes one wonder if the current low oil prices are really a form of CONTROL to once again kill off the competition and keep us completely addicted to oil. I don't believe that this concept is outside of the realm of possibility. Other types of businesses have done it in the past.
Well, I for one vow to NOT forget this time. I want to end my addiction to oil, and quit providing support for all of the world turmoil that that addiction perpetuates. Therefore, smart people, the first edition of my hypothetical newsletter will be entitled 'Bruce Is Investing In ANOTHER Electric Vehicle When The Duster Is Complete'! If you like the uniqueness and coolness of this project, just wait until you see the next one. Stay tuned!
Hear, hear! Only with this kind of investment and commitment will we all move forward to energy independence. When oil prices rise again, you'll be singing "Another One Bites the Duster!"
Awesome! Can't wait!
You're making perfect sence here... The fuel price evolution is weird (and convenient for a certain industry branch) to say the least...
Oil prices fluctuate with supply and demand, but the amount of oil we have on this planet is only getting less. No matter what the price of oil, using less is better and using none is best. And if it happens to save you lots of money in the near future (when prices go back up) then so be it! Until then you can enjoy your silent, fast, unique car and out-smug the hybrid drivers.
As I am a complete newbie to Electric Mopars, do you know what the top speed could be with less weight. Say if the battery range was 1/4 mile instead of 50 miles.?
Keep up the good work..!
LOL - we share the same luck - I can REALLY relate to this post and totally enjoyed reading it.
One of the great ironies of all this is that if (when) we EV-freaks finally succeed in converting the world's car's, the price of a barrel of oil will be around $0. There HAS to be more to it than $'s.
Freedom! Exactly! Couldn't not have said it better. Thanks!
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